Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'll Bet He Gets The Nerve to Walk the Floor and Ask My Girl to Dance. She'll Say Yes.

"And I Got the Point That I Should Leave You Alone. But We Both Know That I'm Not That Strong."

Okay. I've been a massive FAILBLOGGER lately. Mostly because the world is trying to crush me -
Academically, financially, romantically... the list goes on.

But that's all you need to know about that, because I'm not here to complain.

My positive for the weekend is that Geek.Kon and the documenting thereof went very well. The con was extremely fun! and I couldn't have asked for a better crowd or partner. So we came out with some great footage of tons of cosplayers and con-goers having a blast. We ended up with almost two hours of footage, which should be more than enough to cut down into a 5 minute video.

OH AND ALSO! My parents visited today and my mom found me a hat that fits really well and looks pretty good on me (in my opinion)(despite my huge ears sticking out).
Pics or it didn't happen, I know... but you'll all see it as I start to wear it more. I don't feel like breaking out the camera right now.

I feel like expanding more on the sad, depressing post I typed up whilst slightly intoxicated and moody last night, hopefully with a less depressing tone today.

Isn't it awesome in movies when the tragic character decides to remove themselves from another character's life because he/she is is too in love with them to stick around or because that other character blew up at them and they just tragically remove themself altogether. Then that other character starts to realize that they absolutely need the main/tragic character in their life.

It's even more awesome if the tragic character won't take them back. Or if the other character needs them, but still isn't in love, and they're left at yet another stalemate.
Okay - none of that has anything to do with last night's post except that I'm definitely thinking more romantically/attached than I have been for the last couple of weeks. I was starting to worry myself with a temporary non-committal mindset.

MAN----I feel SO inappropriately emo... I'm gonna work on this stuff instead of dwelling on it. I'm just freakin tired.

I'll make a video some time this week and get all of this out.

In other news, next weekend is Halloween.

In other other news, I have no idea what my costume will be.

But I'm excited to see people.

I need to stop writing until I have more energy and something interesting to say.


  1. i can't help but feel that last night's melancholy was in no small part my inability to rally some enthusiasm for the cause!! We'll do better next weekend. For sho.

  2. Hmm I dunno that was pretty interesting.
    (All the Real Girls much in the tragic character synopsis?)

    And sorry about the phone call maybe causing you to "dwell" on it. Didn't read this post first, haha.
