Friday, October 9, 2009

All Along, Not So Strong Without These Open Arms

It is 4:00am. x_X

Buuuut I promised today (that temporal label is to be taken lightly) would have more content.

I've just now developed the theory that I don't accomplish enough with my life on a daily basis.
-How have I come to this conclusion? Because I have a really difficult time with going to bed/sleep when it's a reasonable time to go to bed/sleep. I always feel like sleeping as little as possible so that I can get more time in to accomplish things. But in my mind, late at night, accomplishing things entails like... watching a couple more episodes of a TV series, playing three more rounds of a game, or in some cases - blogging. I really just have to push these activities to the extreme to feel like I've done anything even a little bit worth doing with my time. While if I was a more active, getting-things-done, person (like a person with a job or something) then I'd feel accomplished starting the minute I'd get home. And wouldn't have to watch ridiculous amounts of television after midnight to feel like my day had been worth something. I need to do more tiring things....
Oh well. At least I'm a film major and I really should spent lots of time watching TV and movies. But more so movies, and also more so TV and movies that have cinematic value to be learned from. But really, analyzing the elements that make a show unique and high-quality are important for eventually getting to people in my career. Soooo who knows. I just need a job. Then I can watch all the TV I want and still feel useful.

The upside to today's post-4am writing and posting is that tomorrow is a class-free day. So I can wake up when-the hell-ever. And then there's something I need to do, but I don't remember what so. Whatever.

I do know that tomorrow my copy of Away We Go is coming in to the Exclusive Company and I WILL OWN IT!!! Start suggesting songs for videos for it. I'm definitely going to make at least one.

Also, you should know, John Krasinski is a phenomenal actor/improviser. He has got to be one of the best/most hilarious storytellers of our generation.
John Krasinski: Storyteller!

I bought two more Yeah Yeah Yeahs songs today. I'm falling more in love with Karen O's voice and style all the time.

Community is an excellent show so far. Today's episode kept in on course.
Plus I like the outros: OUTRO

ok. now its 4:40. night night.


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