Monday, October 26, 2009

He Had the World at His Feet, Glory In the Eyes of a Young Girl

I need to come up with a Halloween costume.

So far the only ideas I've had have been Leon from Resident Evil 4 and Korben Dallas from Fifth Element, but neither of the above works well as on its own.

Korben and Leeloo :)

Now I'm thinking about Battlestar crew outfits because it's simple, but I don't see tons of people recognizing that.

Anyway, whatever.

I'm in a better mood today than I was yesterday. Mostly because I'm all through midterms time and have all week to work on one last film project, thanks to an extension attained this morning.
So now I have time and energy for a bit of blogging.

I watched through the 6 or 7 episodes that have been made of this show Bored to Death.

Starring!!! :

Jason Schwartzman,

Zak Galifianakis,


Not to mention these pretty cute girls -
Olivia Thirlby

and Heather Burns.

And I really like it so far! It's about a writer who's girlfriend breaks up with him, so he gets all mopey and bored and decides to entertain himself by posting an ad for his services as an unlicensed private detective (services he has very few of).
Also, it's HBO so the show gets away with some crazy shit sometimes

I love this picture.

Tahmoh Penikett plays THE coolest character on Battlestar.
Eliza Dushku is REALLY awesome and hot.
And Joss Whedon is possibly the greatest television writer EVARR!

Speaking of Joss, HOW AWESOME IS THIS!!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I'd like to extend a massive thank you to the creators of Castle for that one. It made me very happy.


Oh, so this weekend I was here: Geek.Kon 2009 and it was as fun as it looks!!! I forgot how much I love cons and geeks, because I don't get nearly enough exposure during the school year. So I was totally geeking out all weekend and scaring my partner. She was really cool about all the crazy people though and seemed to enjoy herself.
But I was hoping I'd randomly be in the background of this person's pics or videos but I don't appear to be. I was however, just to the right of the frame for all of the video of costumes and skits they have because we were taping the same thing.
So stay tuned for my documentary!

I have to wake up in 5 hours. I'd write more, but I'll just save it for tomorrow or sometime soon.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'll Bet He Gets The Nerve to Walk the Floor and Ask My Girl to Dance. She'll Say Yes.

"And I Got the Point That I Should Leave You Alone. But We Both Know That I'm Not That Strong."

Okay. I've been a massive FAILBLOGGER lately. Mostly because the world is trying to crush me -
Academically, financially, romantically... the list goes on.

But that's all you need to know about that, because I'm not here to complain.

My positive for the weekend is that Geek.Kon and the documenting thereof went very well. The con was extremely fun! and I couldn't have asked for a better crowd or partner. So we came out with some great footage of tons of cosplayers and con-goers having a blast. We ended up with almost two hours of footage, which should be more than enough to cut down into a 5 minute video.

OH AND ALSO! My parents visited today and my mom found me a hat that fits really well and looks pretty good on me (in my opinion)(despite my huge ears sticking out).
Pics or it didn't happen, I know... but you'll all see it as I start to wear it more. I don't feel like breaking out the camera right now.

I feel like expanding more on the sad, depressing post I typed up whilst slightly intoxicated and moody last night, hopefully with a less depressing tone today.

Isn't it awesome in movies when the tragic character decides to remove themselves from another character's life because he/she is is too in love with them to stick around or because that other character blew up at them and they just tragically remove themself altogether. Then that other character starts to realize that they absolutely need the main/tragic character in their life.

It's even more awesome if the tragic character won't take them back. Or if the other character needs them, but still isn't in love, and they're left at yet another stalemate.
Okay - none of that has anything to do with last night's post except that I'm definitely thinking more romantically/attached than I have been for the last couple of weeks. I was starting to worry myself with a temporary non-committal mindset.

MAN----I feel SO inappropriately emo... I'm gonna work on this stuff instead of dwelling on it. I'm just freakin tired.

I'll make a video some time this week and get all of this out.

In other news, next weekend is Halloween.

In other other news, I have no idea what my costume will be.

But I'm excited to see people.

I need to stop writing until I have more energy and something interesting to say.

I'm Being So Sincere Right Now, Even Though You Broke My Heart and Killed Me

Lately I'm referring to myself as "romantically confused."

I'm having fun going to parties and flirting a lot (and sometimes a little more than flirting). It's a confidence booster.

But I get attached so easily. Girls don't just fade from my thoughts.

So it's fun on the weekend nights only while they're going on. Followed by emptiness...

In short, I end up lonely.

This is a depressing post, but it's what on my mind. Apologies for letting my first post in a week be this =/


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

With a Single Pillow Underneath Your Single Head

I'm posting earlier in the day BECAUSE I still have work to do on a storyboard and I know I'll most likely put that off so long that by the time I finish I won't feel like blogging much.
So I guess I'm putting it off with the thing I feel like I wouldn't have time to do if I tried to do it afterwards. Which is sort of an infinite loop. But it's happening.

I woke up at 6 AM this morning. I really don't remember the last time that happened. I don't remember the last time I woke up before 8... But alas, I needed to sign up for camera rentals at the Media Center and everyone lines up at ridiculously early times, so I got to go ridiculously early and got my slot WOO!

However, due to that, I am now extremely fried, even though I took a crazy-long nap earlier. I think it's partially because I downed a Redjak on the way to my last lecture and that made me shaky for a couple hours, so now that that's worn off, there's no energy left.

So I've been doing absolutely nothing all day just because on days when I have work to do, I don't do anything fun, nor do I do anything responsible. And am then left doing nothing all day. Then I do work at night when it becomes pivotal.

My days will be long and work-filled until Monday =/
Oh and speaking of work-filled, I've never needed a job more urgently and I'll be hard pressed to find a block of time for employment hunting until sometime next week. woo...

Ok. I'm really worn out and I'm going to save my last bits of energy for doing this project tonight. yeesh


Monday, October 19, 2009

I Wish It Didn't Hurt with Every Thought of You

Tomorrow I may or may not have a midterm.

The evidence FOR is as follows:

-The syllabus reads MIDTERM EXAM where it usually lists assignments due.
-The last topic on the study guide they gave me is also the last topic I have listed in my notes.

The evidence AGAINST is as follows:

-The study guide reads at the top "The midterm exam for World Cinema will be held on October 26th, 2009" (one week from tomorrow).
-I do not want to study tonight.

I don't think I'm gonna study. You'd think I wouldn't be quite stupid enough to ignore the professor if he told me to change the midterm date on the study guide. I hope.

This is the life I choose for myself


Friday, October 16, 2009

I am a Visitor Here. I am Not Permanent.



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She's is Beautiful, but She Don't Mean a Thing to Me

4 more classes for the week. Followed by an awesome weekend with visitors and such.

I have little motivation to blog today.

Let's play the relations game:

aluminum sheet metal factory industry smoke stacks library book metal detector store gift shop mall escalator second floor Express graphic tee cotton Zooey Deschanel Ben Gibbard Death Cab Transatlanticism ocean Japan samurai katana Kill Bill Uma Thurman actress Emma Stone Zombieland shotgun shells beach tide pier funnel cake powdered sugar snow jacket leather couch nap

I guess I can comment on the visitation of Lauren and Emilee this weekend.

I may end up in Milwaukee Friday night. I like single nights in Milwaukee. It makes me feel like I have connections in more than one place. Plus I feel pretty comfortable with Milwaukee these days. I've gotten to know it much better over the past year or so.
Sooo if that happens I'm sure I'll have a good time, cause who wouldn't have a good time whilst out drinking with Emilee? I don't think that's allowed.
The other possibility is that they come here, which also involves going out drinking with Emilee, so it also must therefore be a good time.
I need to buy some beer...

So here's my current TV list in no particular order:

---Sarah Connor Chronicles - about 19 episodes behind. but it was cancelled, so no big rush.
---Dollhouse - about a season behind, and there's a new one out every week >_<
---Big Bang Theory - just caught up today!
---How I Met Your Mother - caught up
---Community - caught up
---The Office - caught up
---Heroes - still 4 or 5 episodes behind.
---Glee - all caught up and watched the new one as it aired earlier this evening
---Castle - just started watching (meaning 1 episode in) and the new season is already in progress AAHH!

that is all


Do They Collide? I Ask, and You Smile.

Do you think homeless people have a scent for when you're the type of person they have a chance to get some cash off of?

Let's start by discussing the two types of homeless people around these parts. There are the Passive Hobos and the Active Hobos.

The Passive Hobos are the folks that stand along the busy street with their cup or their instrument, singing or playing an awkward, improvised song. Or just wishing you a nice day. These are the nice kind of hobo, because you can let them know that today isn't their lucky day with you by simply not making eye contact, and they'll move right along to the next person. I don't mind passive hobos.

The active hobos though. They are the mobile ones. The folks that wander down the street and don't give a shit about eye contact. They'll flag you down if they smell weakness and make you feel way worse about not helping out than a passive hobo will. Plus their rate is a lot higher, normally asking for between 2 and 5 dollars.

Ok so on to my dilemma. I think I may have given myself an air of generosity or weakness two nights ago. I was wandering along University and a tattered, unkempt man in a sweatshirt (despite the freezing weather) walked right up to me in an extremely awkward fashion, saw that I had headphones in, and pointed at his ears. He must have been in his early to mid 30s, but looked well worn. He had a slip of paper in his hands that his eyes kept flashing down to, so I thought maybe he needed directions. So I took out my headphones and put on my personable demeanor. Only to discover moments later that he was either deaf or mute and this slip of paper had his little spiel written on it.
It read something like:
"Hello, my name is Jeff. SMILE (at which point I looked up and saw a massive smile on his face, so I shot him one back and continued to read.) I am deaf and need something to eat (or something along those lines) Could you please spare me $5 for food?"
And the back side of the paper read "GOD BLESS YOU"
So I grabbed my wallet and hesitantly took hold of a couple of singles, but went for the fiver instead. And he gave me a big hug when I handed it over.

So okay, of course this could've all been a very detailed pity scheme on this guy's part in his quest to score more booze. And of course maybe there's a better chance of him being conniving than homeless, deaf, and hungry. But what if he really was homeless, deaf, and hungry??? I guess that small chance was worth $5 to me.
OK BUT! this is still not my point. The 5 bucks was fine with me. I'll survive... and hopefully he will too. but then.

Then comes my point. That now I feel like news of my helping him suddenly spread through the Active Hobo underground. Literally, 6 seconds after parting ways with Jeff, a crazed looking old man who was missing some teeth and was geared out in a floppy eared hat affronted me outside Wando's and with his crazy eyes started asking if I could spare some money because he had nowhere to stay. He also had a sleeping roll on the ground next to him.

Okay and I know this sounds bad, but I felt like one was enough for the night, and I had somewhere to be. So I told him I couldn't help and he kept asking, so I made up an excuse and walked away (briskly).

Then today, I get hit by another Active! Usually I'll only get confronted for money about once a month. But this lady walked up and I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and not just brush her off, but all she had to say was a plea for a few dollars, so I had to move on.

So I guess what I'm saying is:
I'm on their radar and I need a way out!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For a Smile They Can Share the Night

Today I started watching Glee.

It's very entertaining.

And I love Jayma Mays.

So I like it.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Look at Me, Still Talking When There's Science to Do. When I Look Out There, It Makes Me Glad I'm Not You.

Ok. Today was just kind of a lost day. It both sucked and was awesome at different parts, but it doesn't really matter because I'd already specified it as a homework day weeks ago, so I wasn't expecting anything. I've got a couple things due tomorrow, one being a 5 page paper. So I was writing that all evening.

My procrastination today went as follows. I woke up at 1:30 and then web surfed for probably 90 minutes. Then I walked over to A8 China and got some beef w/ snow peas. Do not get beef at A8 China... (we'll get to why)
So then I got back and talked to Nick for a few minutes and we decided to watch Community while we ate Chinese. One and a half episodes in, after I'd already put my food back, I got really nauseous. Then puked really uncomfortable a half hour later. But after that I felt okay all day, just a little weak. Still... NOT COOL.

So then I actually got to work, which consisted of watching this 1949 gangster movie White Heat. And reading this article on gangster films. So then with a 5 page paper looming over me, Nick and I decided it would be best to go to Jimmy John's for dinner. So we got back with our food and then Greg got back so we watched Away We Go (I know. Strange move on the part of the guy with the paper to write. But whatever. It was just as brilliant this time as when I saw it in theaters, and the guys really liked it.) Then I wrote my paper starting at like... 11? It took 4ish hours with breaks and all that. Not bad methinks.

Ok so that's the boring homework recap. Sorry. Its just what happened and I have to write something because I actually failed to blog for the first time yesterday.............. :( I suck.


So although Nick already gave a bit of an overview of the weekend's events, I'm gonna do the same but stray a little from mocking Greg mercilessly and describing the Bierstick in great detail, so I think our content will be separate enough to be readable.

We went out with great (and partially overlapping) groups both nights this weekend. Friday, Drew, as well as my new friends Brittany, Em, and Bo came over to hang out and break in Nick's new Bierstick (See Intentionally Tactless for details). They are all wonderfully fun to hang out with. So yeah, I tried the Bierstick and it was really cool. Then I learned how to shotgun a beer and I don't think I'll ever stop doing that now. Both reaaally cool ways to drink a beer really fast!
Also, I was given some "apple pie" earlier that day, and I don't know if there's a more delicious drink. And it's Everclear. I gave Brittany some of that as well because she didn't feel like drinking beer anymore or something, but she's since decided I'm a horrible person for offering it to her because it ended up making her really sick. (But she knew what she was getting into when I offered it to her, and I'm standing by my choices!)

Soooo after that we went to Karaoke Kid to get our sing on! And we met up with Marie and Andrew! ALSO AWESOME PEOPLE! So I did a couple sake bombs there and I will choose to get specific instead of just saying they were awesome.
Basically, Nick's first sake bomb went as follows. The group of 5 or so girls that were sitting next to he and I as we did the bombs were cheering for us as we chanted and drank. But the only problem was that Nick's shot REFUSED to drop off the rock solid, immobile chop sticks that bitch of a bartender must have given him. So instead he got frustrated and impatient and just pushed the shot in. To which the girls responded "CHEEEAAATER!!!" and it was obnoxious, but they were girls so what was Nick supposed to do but take it?
Then when we did the bombs with Marie and Andrew, Marie's tiny little arms somehow found the strength of a giant for a split second. Because I did my chant and drank my bomb again but when I looked up, Marie's was just GONE! So I looked at her all astonished, but it turned out she had somehow flipped her glass ALL THE WAY over! (I blame resonance) So it went all over and the bartender got her a new one. Which she proceeded to drink at a snail's pace. All was right with the world again.
And then after sake bombs, Andrew introduced me to a drink which he referred to as, I kid you not, an alien secretion. Because it was green and looked like it had come out of a minimum of one alien orifice. It was essentially pineapple, coconut, and melon though, so it was like most delicious drink of the week in my book (except maybe for the apple pie).

The night gets blurrier after here for me. We went to Brats, but I've been trying to figure out why for days now. I'm sure it was to find someone's friends or something.
But whilst there, Brittany started talking up her own skills as a wingman, and I must have made a doubtful comment or something because soon after she was suddenly my wingman and we were scanning the bar for cuties 0_O. Turns out Brittany is not an amazing wingman. There are worse, I'm sure, but it pretty much consisted of her telling one girl that I thought she was cute, and then panicking and chickening out on the next girl I targeted. So then that was over.

And on to Paul's! From which Nick and Joe (who we met there) stole glasses. Not tons else to say about that.

Then Nick and I got Fat Sandwich while Marie and Andrew got Taco Bell and everyone else abandoned us. So we went back to our apartment, at our food at the counter, and said out farewells. Good night. Excellent company.

Saturday we saw Zombieland!!!!
Go see it.
It IS awesome.
And that one girl is very cute/hot.
So, tons of extremely gruesome and ridiculous zombie kills. Lots of cursing. Lots of carnival rides.

But that wasn't even the best part of the day, for next came Hipsters vs. Bros!!! I certainly wasn't the most convincing hipster there, but I held my own. And I did a ton of flirting somehow. It was mostly Bierstick propaganda, but it was still extremely fun.
Plus the pictures of me from last night are the first pictures I've liked of myself in months. Maybe its the extra beard, or the disheveled hair. Or the general wrinkled look of my clothes?! No idea. Just good photos going on.
Sooo I did like 4 Biersticks all night and once I was done drinking, I ended up doing a little harmless cuddling and it was a great night.

...And the most shocking part of the weekend is that I didn't get at all sick until I ate bad beef long after all the crazed partying and injecting beer into my stomach at least 5 times......

I'll talk about something relevant tomorrow. I hope.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

When I Awoke, I Was Alive in Somebody's Room

Aiiieeee. I didn't blog today. I am now rather drunk. Typos = expected.

It's 4am again. Im listening to Margot and the Nuclear So & So's and Nick's cursing at Blogger becaues it's being obnoxious about letting him sign in and Google accounts and such.

But tonight was a GREAT time. Drew, Brittany, and Bo came over and we had some good times. And I tried both the Bierstick and shotgunning a beer for the first time. Then we went to Karaoke Kid and met up with Marie and Andrew, who are both awesome to hang out with.

And then other such fun times. I need to sleep so badly. I cut myself under my fingernail at some point. It hurts to type. So we watched some TV instead.

Goodnight lovely readers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

All Along, Not So Strong Without These Open Arms

It is 4:00am. x_X

Buuuut I promised today (that temporal label is to be taken lightly) would have more content.

I've just now developed the theory that I don't accomplish enough with my life on a daily basis.
-How have I come to this conclusion? Because I have a really difficult time with going to bed/sleep when it's a reasonable time to go to bed/sleep. I always feel like sleeping as little as possible so that I can get more time in to accomplish things. But in my mind, late at night, accomplishing things entails like... watching a couple more episodes of a TV series, playing three more rounds of a game, or in some cases - blogging. I really just have to push these activities to the extreme to feel like I've done anything even a little bit worth doing with my time. While if I was a more active, getting-things-done, person (like a person with a job or something) then I'd feel accomplished starting the minute I'd get home. And wouldn't have to watch ridiculous amounts of television after midnight to feel like my day had been worth something. I need to do more tiring things....
Oh well. At least I'm a film major and I really should spent lots of time watching TV and movies. But more so movies, and also more so TV and movies that have cinematic value to be learned from. But really, analyzing the elements that make a show unique and high-quality are important for eventually getting to people in my career. Soooo who knows. I just need a job. Then I can watch all the TV I want and still feel useful.

The upside to today's post-4am writing and posting is that tomorrow is a class-free day. So I can wake up when-the hell-ever. And then there's something I need to do, but I don't remember what so. Whatever.

I do know that tomorrow my copy of Away We Go is coming in to the Exclusive Company and I WILL OWN IT!!! Start suggesting songs for videos for it. I'm definitely going to make at least one.

Also, you should know, John Krasinski is a phenomenal actor/improviser. He has got to be one of the best/most hilarious storytellers of our generation.
John Krasinski: Storyteller!

I bought two more Yeah Yeah Yeahs songs today. I'm falling more in love with Karen O's voice and style all the time.

Community is an excellent show so far. Today's episode kept in on course.
Plus I like the outros: OUTRO

ok. now its 4:40. night night.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am not my own. I have been made new. Please don't let me go. I desperately need you.

I have not blogged!!

It is now definitely bedtime though!

Today I went to classes, and then got back and watched massive amounts of television.

Finished seasons of Heroes and Big Bang Theory. As well as progressing in Sarah Connor Chronicles. They're all awesome.

So, sorry about the crappy post. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Hot in Here. It Must be Summer.

The title is not referring to a temporal period.

Instead, I refer to

This awesome girl, SUMMER GLAU, who I have today decided is definitely on my list of celebrity crushes.
Her roles include parts in Firefly, Serenity, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Mammoth!!! Those 4 alone should be enough to prove her to be epic.
Plus, Nick and I have discovered, after perusing Google images for a while, that she is completely incapable of taking a bad picture. Even in those surprise pictures that the paparazzi take where actresses are like buying groceries in sweats (and always seem to have just the worst, oily skin and some sort of baby-shaped lump in their stomach that will be strangely gone the next time she's seen in public), ----->

Summer still looks really cute. Which can mean only one thing.

She is actually pretty!
And due to all the above as well as her signature ability to act the role of a robot/monotone crazy person, I salute her and think she is AWESOME

On to my promise of look-a-likes from Harper's Island!

Whilst watching I found either uncanny or subtle similarities between:

Nikki and -------------------------------------Billie Piper

Richard and --------------------------------------- Damian Lewis

Jimmy and --------------------------------------Milo Ventimiglia

Henry and -----------------------------------------Zachary Levi

Cal and -------------------------------------------Jon Lee (from S-Club)

Sully and -------------Every blond-haired asshole in every movie/show ever

So yeah. Some of them aren't quite so much look-a-likes for their flat out appearance so much as for facial expressions or voice. Or a combination of the three. But watch the show and you'll definitely agree with me on like... maybe 50%.

Alright, so for lack of anything better to talk about, I'll fall back on basic truths about myself. Today's being the reasoning behind my newly (relatively) chosen major and intended career path.

It can be pretty well explained through my YouTube account, actually. I make videos in which I splice movies and TV shows to music. It's sort of what got me into editing in the first place, and definitely played a role in helping me decide what I wanted to try after giving up on Computer Science. So, I'm gonna quote a few of the comments I've received on my videos (one in particular) and then go from there:

-----"This is the best movie/song combination ever... I watch it at least every other day and want to cry. I need to stop It only perpetuates the sadness in me over a past relationship that I can't let go of. Thanks for posting this though has it's healing qualities too. ;)"

-----"I haven´t cried like for 10 years... now I did a little.... Im so in love with somebody... we spent few days together - like we´ve known so long each other... but there´s quite long distance between us... I don´t care... but i thin she mind it... :("

I absolutely love your video and the choice of the song. It brings tears to my eyes every time."

-----"I wasn't expecting much when I saw the title of this, but that was amazing and hilarious! Thanks for the great laugh!! "
-----"I effing love you for making this. Just want to let you know."

Ok so.
I know that all seems pretty self-praising to post in my blog. But I wanted to give you an idea of something that played a MAJOR role in my decision to change over from a life of logic and passivity to one where I'm in control and I can fully embrace all my passions and change lives with them!!! Each and every time someone puts a positive comment on one of my videos, especially if it's one about how I've affected them emotionally, it strengthens my resolve to somehow create masterpieces of emotion and give people the pushes they need. Whether to go and express their love to the person they can't live without, or to finally understand the plight of someone that they've always taken for granted.
Because that's what film and movies have done for me. When I'm left in a theater sitting motionless because of the power of the art that I've just seen, it changes me. I recognize characteristics of the work and the characters that I can embrace. And I come to terms with internal issues that I've struggled with. I forgive.
If every single piece of film art that I ever create can affect just one person in the way it affected the people who left the above-listed comments, or anyone who's commented about themselves on any of my videos, then that work was worth every second I put into it. Because maybe that person started writing that letter to his long-lost-love at 3 in the morning after watching that video.

But what I do isn't unique. I take the works of others and combine them in the ways my mind would like to see them. One day soon I'll be creating my own work. I only hope it's worth what I need it to be to continue my mission to change lives and minds.

And that's why I want to work with films. Because I believe in love.

If you'd like to see any of my videos, they're here: T4lon's YouTube
Remember Me was my first and is the one people tend to like. I haven't been able to match its passion yet.
