Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Hot in Here. It Must be Summer.

The title is not referring to a temporal period.

Instead, I refer to

This awesome girl, SUMMER GLAU, who I have today decided is definitely on my list of celebrity crushes.
Her roles include parts in Firefly, Serenity, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Mammoth!!! Those 4 alone should be enough to prove her to be epic.
Plus, Nick and I have discovered, after perusing Google images for a while, that she is completely incapable of taking a bad picture. Even in those surprise pictures that the paparazzi take where actresses are like buying groceries in sweats (and always seem to have just the worst, oily skin and some sort of baby-shaped lump in their stomach that will be strangely gone the next time she's seen in public), ----->

Summer still looks really cute. Which can mean only one thing.

She is actually pretty!
And due to all the above as well as her signature ability to act the role of a robot/monotone crazy person, I salute her and think she is AWESOME

On to my promise of look-a-likes from Harper's Island!

Whilst watching I found either uncanny or subtle similarities between:

Nikki and -------------------------------------Billie Piper

Richard and --------------------------------------- Damian Lewis

Jimmy and --------------------------------------Milo Ventimiglia

Henry and -----------------------------------------Zachary Levi

Cal and -------------------------------------------Jon Lee (from S-Club)

Sully and -------------Every blond-haired asshole in every movie/show ever

So yeah. Some of them aren't quite so much look-a-likes for their flat out appearance so much as for facial expressions or voice. Or a combination of the three. But watch the show and you'll definitely agree with me on like... maybe 50%.

Alright, so for lack of anything better to talk about, I'll fall back on basic truths about myself. Today's being the reasoning behind my newly (relatively) chosen major and intended career path.

It can be pretty well explained through my YouTube account, actually. I make videos in which I splice movies and TV shows to music. It's sort of what got me into editing in the first place, and definitely played a role in helping me decide what I wanted to try after giving up on Computer Science. So, I'm gonna quote a few of the comments I've received on my videos (one in particular) and then go from there:

-----"This is the best movie/song combination ever... I watch it at least every other day and want to cry. I need to stop that..lol. It only perpetuates the sadness in me over a past relationship that I can't let go of. Thanks for posting this though t4lon....it has it's healing qualities too. ;)"

-----"I haven´t cried like for 10 years... now I did a little.... Im so in love with somebody... we spent few days together - like we´ve known so long each other... but there´s quite long distance between us... I don´t care... but i thin she mind it... :("

I absolutely love your video and the choice of the song. It brings tears to my eyes every time."

-----"I wasn't expecting much when I saw the title of this, but that was amazing and hilarious! Thanks for the great laugh!! "
-----"I effing love you for making this. Just want to let you know."

Ok so.
I know that all seems pretty self-praising to post in my blog. But I wanted to give you an idea of something that played a MAJOR role in my decision to change over from a life of logic and passivity to one where I'm in control and I can fully embrace all my passions and change lives with them!!! Each and every time someone puts a positive comment on one of my videos, especially if it's one about how I've affected them emotionally, it strengthens my resolve to somehow create masterpieces of emotion and give people the pushes they need. Whether to go and express their love to the person they can't live without, or to finally understand the plight of someone that they've always taken for granted.
Because that's what film and movies have done for me. When I'm left in a theater sitting motionless because of the power of the art that I've just seen, it changes me. I recognize characteristics of the work and the characters that I can embrace. And I come to terms with internal issues that I've struggled with. I forgive.
If every single piece of film art that I ever create can affect just one person in the way it affected the people who left the above-listed comments, or anyone who's commented about themselves on any of my videos, then that work was worth every second I put into it. Because maybe that person started writing that letter to his long-lost-love at 3 in the morning after watching that video.

But what I do isn't unique. I take the works of others and combine them in the ways my mind would like to see them. One day soon I'll be creating my own work. I only hope it's worth what I need it to be to continue my mission to change lives and minds.

And that's why I want to work with films. Because I believe in love.

If you'd like to see any of my videos, they're here: T4lon's YouTube
Remember Me was my first and is the one people tend to like. I haven't been able to match its passion yet.


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